• Thousands of people use the Central Library in its current attractive location with programs for a wide range of interests and age groups. They too bring economic activity to the downtown area.
• In close proximity to one another, the Library and Bishop Museum provide an excellent hub for educational programs for students. Bishop Museum and the Library have the potential to become powerful partners for STEM/Entrepreneurship educational programs. Currently, both are centrally located, and within easy walking distance for many residents. In addition, the Riverwalk provides many neighborhoods with a convenient walking path to the Library and Museum. STEM/Entrepreneurship programs will have a lasting long-term impact on growth and vitality of Bradenton's Economy.
• In terms of overall planning, the Central Library provides a good transition buffer between the quiet residential community west of Spring Hill Suites and the noisy commercial area east of Spring Hill Suites. Locating a 20 story mixed use building close to residences is inconsiderate and unconscionable.
• The Library has been voted number one in the State of Florida. It attracts authors to visit Bradenton to promote their books and provide readings, which in turn attracts many visitors to the Riverwalk area and local businesses.
• In addition, residents close to the Library will have to endure noise and dust during a long period of construction, and possible damage to buildings in close proximity.
• Would the Members of the Manatee County Commission like to have a 20 story mixed use building right next to their residences?
• I am a resident of Westminster and I am very distressed that the County is considering relocating the Downtown Central Library. It provides many programs for a wide range of interests and age groups.
• As a resident of Westminster (population over 500), the Downtown Central Library is easily accessible whether walking or taking the Westminster motorized cart. It is frequently used by many of us who live at Westminster.
• There will be even more demand for the library by my community once the new Westminster buildings are built in Point Pleasant.
• The Library has been voted number one in the State of Florida. It attracts authors to visit Bradenton to promote their books and provide readings. If relocated, you will be taking these social interactions and opportunities away from me and all of the residents at Westminster.