• Ages 12-19 The Coder School: Scratch Game
Students will build a video game using the online coding platform Scratch, developed by MIT. Beginners will be exposed to core engineering concepts, such as loops, variables, ad conditional logic. The Scratch platform allows kids even as young as 7 to begin to think about complex coding problems. Examples of games kids may create would be a Flappy Bird clone, a coin collector, or a maze-style game. Minimal experience is required. This program will take place in Area 52.
• STEAM Saturday: Weather
Explore weather science during this STEAM Saturday. Together, we will make a foam rain cloud and learn how clouds hold water until they can no longer hold it and it rains! We will also build a windmill and learn how the wind helps generate electricity. Then we will make a cloud viewer where we will be able to identify the different types of clouds in the sky!
• Tween Tuesday @ Area 52!
Hey, Tweens! You now have a special afternoon that's all yours'--every Tuesday from 3-5:30 you're welcome to come to Area 52 and make things! Use our 3D Printer! Make greeting cards! Make buttons, book marks, little books! Knit or crochet! Use our Virtual Reality goggles! And so much more!
• For ages 7-10
Stories and More
Enjoy themed sets of stories read by our Children's Librarians! All Ages are welcome!
• For Ages 8-12. • Drama, Visual Art, and Movement with the Van Wezel!
Explore drama, visual art, and movement. Van Wezel teaching artists will be available at all Manatee County Library branches to help you showcase your creativity. Stop by and CREATE!
• Read 2 Dogs Read your favorite story to a furry friend.
For ages 4-7 • Dungeons and Dragons for Teens
A drop-in D& D game for teens. No experience is necessary, but space is limited to 6!
• Friends and Family in Recovery Support Group Participants in support meetings may be loved ones, family members, friends, and caretakers, of someone with a substance use disorder. Their loved one with an addiction may be at any stage- in active use, in recovery, passed away, or any other stage in between. The goal is to support friends and family as they learn to cope, manage, communicate, navigate resources, establish boundaries, and gain strength through a community of people with shared experiences.
Run by About SMART Recovery – a 501(c)3 Organization
• One on One Makerspace Class: 3D Printer
Learn the basics of 3D printing using our FlashForge Adventurer 3 Lite! During this one-on-one session, you will be taught how to load and unload filament, how to print a file from an open-source website, and how to troubleshoot when a print goes awry. Finish this session with a printed model and the ability to use the 3D printer during our open hours! Limit sign-up to one session. If needed, the instructor will sign you up for another session. Note: This session is for learning how to use the 3D Printer; it is not a session to start or finish a personal project. Personal projects can be started or finished during Area 52 open hours by appointment.
• Intro to 3D Design: Tinkercad (Build a Manatee Stamp) Learn how to bring your imagination to life through 3D design! In this class, you will learn 3D modeling and printing basics, best practices for getting started with 3D design, and work on a hands-on project within Tinkercad! Leave this class with the understanding of basic shapes and objects in 3D design and how to get them printed at your library!
• Guardian Ad Litem (GAD) Representative
Today, you can learn how to volunteer for Florida’s Guardian ad Litem Program and start helping children in your community. Volunteer Child Advocates speak on behalf of children who have experienced abuse, abandonment and neglect. Our goal is to help children find their way to a safe, loving and permanent home.
• French Appreciation Club An informal weekly opportunity for community members to get together to practice the French language and also discuss the history, famous sites, and cuisine of France.
• One on One Makerspace Class: Cricut Machine
A Cricut machine can help you make greeting cards, labels, cut outs for t-shirts, and more. Discover how to use this electronic cutting machine, which cuts paper, vinyl, and many other materials. Learn how to find and design images and cut them out. If time permits, explore the drawing feature. Materials are provided. Limit sign up to one session. If needed, the instructor will sign you up for another session. Note: This session is for learning how to use the cricut machine; it is not a session to start or finish a personal project. Personal projects can be started or finished during Area 52 open hours, by appointment, after September 27th, 2021.
• Recycled Magazine Crafts Instead of recycling that old magazine, make it into some colorful art! Learn how to make a coaster or a mirror frame from a few easy techniques. All materials are supplied. Seating is limited.
• One on One Makerspace Class:
Tinkercad Learn the basics of Tinkercad! Tinkercad is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make. During this class, you will receive one-on-one instruction on how to use the basic tools within the software and build a simple project. Limit sign-up to one session. If needed, the instructor will sign you up for another session. Note: This session is for learning how to use the Tinkercad; it is not a session to start or finish a personal project. Personal projects can be started or finished during Area 52 open hours.
• One-on-One Tech Help
One-on-One tech assistant: androids, iPhones, tablets, laptops, e-books/audiobooks, and more. • Pins & Needles Neighbor Sewing Group Join the Sarasota Gulf Chapter of the American Sewing Guild for a monthly sewing club. Each month, a Guild member will demonstrate a project which everyone will then work on together.
• Line Dancing--Beginners
Join instructor Jean Markley for a fun-filled hour of beginning line dancing! The practice of line dancing is great for your overall health and well-being.
• Learn to dance
• Improve balance
• Boost memory
• Get your heart pumping
• Get social
• One-on-One Tech Help (Espanol) (Ayuda Tecnica Personalizada)
Ayuda tecnica personalizada para computadoras, telefonos moviles, y mas! Nota: No podemos reparar dispositivos y no podemos completar formularios para los clientes.
• Read Around the Globe Book Club: The Henna Artist, by Alka Joshi This Book Club features popular international authors or books with a focus on international countries. Escaping from an abusive marriage, seventeen-year-old Lakshmi makes her way alone to the vibrant 1950s pink city of Jaipur, here she works as a Henna artist for the rich and wealthy learning secrets that endanger her life
• One on One Makerspace Class:
Podcasting Learn the basics of podcasting using our recording studio! During this class, you will learn how to set up the equipment, change the settings on the RODECaster Pro, record, and edit a podcast. This is a beginner class and will give you general information. Resources will be provided for further learning. Limit sign-up to one session. If needed, the instructor will sign you up for another session.
• One on One Makerspace Class:
T-shirt Embossing Learn how to emboss a design cut out of vinyl to a T-shirt. Learn the basics of cutting out the design, preparing it and laminating it. Please, bring your own T-shirt. Limit sign up to one session. If needed, the instructor will sign you up for another session. Note: This session is for learning; it is not a session to start or finish a personal project. Personal projects can be started or finished during Area 52 open hours, by appointment, after September 27th, 2021.
• Make Your Own Cat Toys
Learn how to make catnip mice, old T-shirt toys, flying feather wands and more n this fun workshop. Your cat will love it! All materials are supplied. Seating is limite
• Hike with a Librarian! One thing we have learned during the Covid-19 pandemic is the importance of connections, not only with our fellow humans and pets, but also with nature. Hike with a Manatee County Librarian along the trails of Robinson Preserve and discuss a non-fiction book while enjoying Florida's scenery. After the discussion, a Manatee County Parks & Natural Resources guide will talk about the plants, flowers, trees, and wildlife found at the preserve. If there is still time after the talk, we will walk around the park at a leisurely pace. The entire walk will be about one mile in length. Book title to be decided.
• Comfortable walking shoes with a strong sole (no flip-flops)
• Bug spray
• Hat
• Sunglasses
• Bottled water
• Snack
• Copy of the book being discussed (optional)
Location: Robinson Preserve ~ 1704 99th Street NW, Bradenton, FL. The Robinson Trail is attached.
• Ask a Master Gardener A Master Gardener with the Manatee County Extension Office, will have a table set up in the library's lobby to answer your gardening questions. Audience: 18+
• One on One Makerspace Class: Knitting Learn the basics of handknitting. This will include casting on and learning the knit stitch. If time permits, learn to cast off and try other stitches. Supplies provided